Monday, March 4, 2013

Things that make me feel like an adult

After graduating from school two years ago, I often wondered what to do with my life.
College is that awkward age where you're not quite a child anymore depending on everyone around you to do all the important stuff, but you're not completely independent yet either.
I'm not financially independent even now, but that's because I choose to work part time and spend my free time with friends and family until I go back to school. This was inspired by a reddit feed I read :)

Here are some things that were 'rights of passage' if you will, or currently make me feel like I'm on the road to being a true adult:

The first time I got to wear my own (business attire) clothes to work and didn't have to wear a food service or retail uniform.

Taking care of Chester- having a pet or being responsible for someone or something other than yourself can be daunting, especially when they depend on you for food and water and it's completely up to you to make sure they're healthy and in general, stay alive and happy :)

Making my bed- this sounds weird, but growing up I would NEVER do this (nobody would do it for me either in high school, my bed was just in a constant cocoon shape, perfectly molded for my weird sleeping schedule and for me jumping into it at anytime since I used to sleep 4pm to 8pm after school and then 2am to 6am)

Weight gain- If I don't work out for a few months, my body doesn't just automatically metabolize the calories like it used to with the way I eat (chipotle and in n out, i can't help myself)

Taxes- Yes I admit my mom still helps me with this but it feels weird paying taxes :)

Paying rent- Not living at home for free or having your rent included in tuition is still a relatively new concept, even though I haven't lived in a dorm since 2008

On reddit, there were obviously more serious responses like 'going into debt' or 'taking care of a sick family member' and things like that but I guess this post was more about the superficial every day stuff.

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